Force Run App

A2 App(s) can be forced to run immediately ignoring all time & condition attributes using Command Line or Web Interface.

A2 Force Run App - Command Line

    a2ctl app [AppName] [forcerun]
        AppName - Existing App Name
        forcerun - Force Run the App

A2 Force Run App - Web Interface

As you login to A2 - Web Interface, you will see Dashboard. Click on "App Action" under "Operations" section:


This will open "App Action" section. Select "ForceRun" from Action for given App and Click on "Apply Now" as shown below:


This will ask for confirmation. Click on "OK" as shown below:


Now, the App will be Force Run as shown below:


A2 on GitHub

You may also wish to follow the GitHub project if you have a GitHub account. This is also where we keep the issue tracker for sharing bugs and feature ideas.